From Bahia to Brooklyn, Caribbean stories
Een zevendelige serie
New York
In this final episode about the Caribbean, Nina finds herself in Brooklyn, New York. Here, everything comes together. With over a million people, it is the largest Caribbean community outside of the Caribbean itself. But what does that do to your identity? What do people leave behind, what is preserved? And does something new emerge when there is no longer a sea between all those cultures? If you look closely, New York is infused with Caribbean influences and derives part of its allure from them. Nina almost feels like she’s island-hopping. Every shop or restaurant she enters takes her to a different Caribbean island. In the Caribbean itself, it’s different. For a long time, it was easier and cheaper to fly to France or England from most Caribbean islands than to a neighboring island. But how Caribbean do people feel in a metropolis like New York?
Credits team
Based on an idea by Sherman De Jesus and Cécile van Eijk
Presenter: Nina Jurna
Director: Martijn Blekendaal
Camera: Pim Hawinkels
Sound: Benny Jansen
Editing: Sander Cijsouw
Research: Adelheid Kapteijn, Ilja Willems
Location fixer: Kiana Jackson
Color correction: Bart Voorsluis
Audio editing: Rob Dul
Design: Joost Hiensch, Robbert Klein
Music: Randal Corsen
Sr. Producer: Elleke Claessen, Mariska Schneider
Production: Tanja Warning, Haider Aljezairi, Timothy Mackenzie, Mathijs Jorritsma
Intern Memphis Film: Niels Weusten
Online editors: Elmar Veerman, Dewi Oudijk
Marketing & Communication: Innes van den Heuvel
Producer Memphis Features: Cécile van Eijk
Final editing: Sherman De Jesus, Hans Simonse
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