Watch Me
Status: Completed
Going to a concert, dancing on technopop, hanging out on the beach, riding horses. But also: is there a place in my life for a relationship, how do people look at me, what is normal? Everyday business, including for Jessica, Mathias, Dominique, Nadine, Quan, Sam and Sofie. But there is one difference: these are people with a disability, mentally and often also physically. The difference is big, but at the same time it’s not, according to filmmaker Klara Van Es, who previously directed Lost Down Memory Lane (2010) and Carnotstraat 17 (2015).
“Moving documentary that manages to ask meaningful questions without explicit commentary.”
– De Volkskrant
“Enchantingly beautiful, tranquil documentary.”
– Cinemagazine
“Klara Van Es maakt films die omzwachteld kijken (…) We don’t stare, we really watch them.”
– Filmmagie

Director Klara van Es
Camera Johan Stoefs, Kris Van de Voorde, Kris Vandegoor
Editor Leen Anthonissen
Music Jef Neve
Sound design Mark Glynne
Broadcaster Canvas, KRO-NCRV
Distributor Dalton Distribution (BE)
Co-producer Emmy Oost, Cassette for Timescapes (BE)